It is very important to assess the accuracy of your survey results. These accuracies will determine what applications the Trinity F90+ can be used for.
Spatial Resolution
The quality of the imagery determines the accuracy. This image quality is subject to the camera itself as well as flight parameters including height, environmental conditions, speed, etc. Spatial resolution refers to the number of pixels in a digital image. A higher spatial resolution will have a greater number of pixels than that of a lower spatial resolution. In UAV mapping, this can be expressed as GSD, or ground sampling distance. The lower the number of the GSD, the higher the spatial resolution of the image and higher accuracy can be achieved due to the greater visibility of small details. It is impossible to achieve absolute or relative accuracy better than the GSD. For example, if your GSD on a project is 1.5 cm/pixel, the final accuracy will be 1.5 cm or greater and never lower.
Geolocation Accuracy
The geolocation accuracy of the Trinity F90+ is subject to a few variables. Firstly, without PPK being utilized, the accuracy of the aerial imagery will be in the range of a few meters. When using PPK, the accuracy can vary depending on the base station location and logging qualities. In a properly executed PPK flight, the Trinity F90+ can achieve centimetre accuracy. Both PPK and non-PPK imagery will have a high relative accuracy, meaning you can do volume calculations and length measurements with ease.
Photogrammetric Accuracy
Photogrammetric accuracy can be determined by absolute or relative accuracy. Absolute accuracy refers to the accuracy of your model with respect to the Earth, whereas relative accuracy refers to the accuracy of your model with respect to the location of relative features. For relative accuracy, it is generally noted that your accuracy will be 1-3 times your GSD. This depends on certain qualities including camera type, overlap, diversity of visual content, and more. In general, the more matching points between overlapping images means higher relative accuracy.
For absolute accuracy, this depends on the PPK data or ground control points in the area. When using PPK geotagging, it is crucial that you ground-truth your data to control points to verify the accuracy of your model.