1. Log raw data settings in the Carlson Surv software
In this guide, we assume that the user has already configured the parameters for both receivers operating as base and rover of their RTK system.
Click on the icon of your Carlson Surv software, 6.01 version or above. In case you start a new project, ‘Continue Last Job’ or ‘Select New/Existing Job’.
In our example, we created a new job under the name ‘TEST’.
Always make sure you select the correct coordinate system projection for your survey area.
To check the settings of your base, Go to
Equip >> GPS Base, and then verify that
Current, Comms, Receiver and
RTK tabs are set correctly, as shown below.
In order to log static data to your base receiver, go to
‘Advanced’ under the
Receiver tab and select the
"log raw data to receiver" option.
After you check the box to
‘Log Raw Data to Receiver’ as shown below, click on the green check mark on the top.
Take note of your selected
message type, you always want both receivers to have the same message type.
After checking your
RTK settings, click on the green check mark in order to connect and start your base.
Once the base is configured, the user is prompted to select how the base’s coordinates will be acquired, based on the options below. In our example, we set up on an unknown point, so we selected
From New Position >> Read From GPS.
Based on 10 epochs (default) we get the base’s averaged position from the available satellites and we hit the green check mark.
The user is asked if they want to save the base’s coordinates as a survey point. We save it and hit the green check mark.
Once the point is stored, the user is asked if they want to
‘Continue with Base Setup’. Hit, Yes.
Once the base configuration is successful, the user is asked if they want to
‘Save the Settings to File’. Hit, Yes.
Then, the user is prompted to confirm the
Log Raw Data File settings as below, click on the green check mark in order to start recording.
Once the setup is complete, the program will return to main menu.
Note: in order to make sure that there is already a file created on the receiver’s (base) head, the user has to connect to the receiver’s WebUI and make sure the proper settings have been selected. For more details, check the following section of this guide.
2. WebUI interface settings
To access the Stonex S900 WebUI of our base, go to your laptop/ smartphone/other electronic device and click on the available Wifi Networks icon. As long as your receiver is powered on, you will be able to find it as an available Wifi network based on its serial number and connect to it.
Note that the serial number is located at the bottom of the receiver.
Once Connected, go to your preferred internet browser and insert the following IP address:
The following window will pop up, where you will insert the credentials:
Username: admin
Password: password
Once you sign in, you will have access to the S900 WebUI main page. Here, you will be able to view and modify all information associated with your S900 receiver.
Click on
Settings >> Working Mode. For our S900 base receiver, we can select to
- Automatically Start Base, and
- Record Raw Data on the receiver’s head, as soon as the receiver is powered on.
Make sure that Record Raw Data is always selected, even without automatically starting the base. The reason is that the user can decide when to start logging static data through the Carlson Surv software (as shown in the previous section).
3. Download static (Rinex) files
Static/Raw data can be downloaded in three different ways, through the multi-port link cable, a memory/SD card (if it exists) and through the WebUI. For more details, see below.
- Multi-port link cable
You have to connect the cable to the 7-pins Lemo port of the receiver and insert the USB port to your PC.
- Memory SD card
The Stonex receiver has a port for inserting an SD card. This is optional, as the internal memory of the GNSS receiver is 4GB, which means a lot of data can be stored internally. However, the end user can decide if they want to use SD cards based on their standards. Then, they will be prompted to save the data in the internal memory or the SD card.
- WebUI
The simplest way to download the recorded static data, is to connect to the S900’s WebUI and download the file directly to your computer.
To do this, search for your S900 WiFi name (the WiFi name is the serial number of the S900) with your laptop or computer and connect to it. Once connected, open a browser and enter the Ip Address: then you will be required to enter the user and password credentials. The default settings are:
User: admin
Password: password.
After a successful connection, you will be directed to the main menu page of the receiver. Under
Download >> Raw Data the user can view all static sessions that have been recorded into the receiver’s head and download the desired one.
Your static data is stored as a binary
.dat file. This file can be downloaded directly, converted to Rinex format, deleted, or edited, as seen below.
By clicking
Edit, you can modify the
Antenna Measurement and
Antenna Height before downloading the static data, if the value inserted were not correct.
By selecting
Convert, you can convert your .dat file to a variety of different formats, including Rinex, Leica, and Stonex format.
In order to post-process your static data using the NRCan-PPP service, or similarly OPUS for the USA:
- convert to the latest Rinex version 3.02,
- check the download box,
- uncheck the Antenna Phase Center, if you do not want to account for it, and
- hit convert to download the .zip file directly.
Once successfully completed,
you will have the .zip file including the Rinex files under your computer’s Downloads.
Your folder contains the following Rinex files.