Automatic Grinding Machine UTC-1040-N Manual

Automatic Grinding Machine UTC-1040-N Manual

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Safety Symbols and Markings    i
Liability    ii
General Safety Instructions    iii
Device Handling    iv
Product Description    1
Units of the Device    3
Optical Sensors    4
Control Box    6
Environment    7
Unpacking    9

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Figure 1: Parts of the UTC-1040    3

Figure 2: Optical Sensors    4

Figure 3: Middle Sensor    5

Figure 4: Water Restraint Panel Sensor    5

Figure 5: Optical Sensor for Grinding Head Position    6

Figure 6: Lock of the Integral Wheel    9

Figure 7: Water Restraint Panel    11

Figure 8: Security Switch    12

Figure 9: Selection of the Cradle (4 Channel Cradle)    13

Figure 10: Selection of the Cradle (2 Channel Cradle)    13

Figure 11: Timer    14

Figure 12: Water Gun    16

Figure 13: Location of the Rail    18

Figure 14: Motor Bearings Greasing Nipples    19

Figure 15: Swing Mechanism    19

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Table 1: Dimensions and Weight of UTC-1040    2

Table 2: UTC-1040 Electrical Connection Properties    8

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This manual contains important information on the safe usage and maintenance of UTEST UTC-1040 Automatic Grinding Machine and of its related components. Please read through the manual carefully before operating the device for the first time and keep it for the future reference.

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WARNING: In conjunction with one of the signal words this

symbol indicates a hazard which will or could result in death or serious injury.

ELECTRIC HAZARD: In conjunction with one of the signal words this symbol indicates a hazard involving electrical voltage and identifies information about protection against electrical voltage.

HIGH TEMPERATURE WARNING: This icon indicates a hot surface warning. Protective gear must be worn at all times while working with or close to the sections marked with this warning icon.

NOTE: Recommendations and important information on how to

handle the product.

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UTEST General Terms and Conditions of Sales and Delivery apply in all cases. Warranty and liability claims arising from personal injury and damage to property cannot be upheld if they are due to one or more of the following causes:

  1. Unauthorized modifications to the device and its components.
  2. Failure to use the instrument in accordance with its designated use and purpose which is described in this manual.
  3. Failure to adhere to the sections of the manual dealing with the performance check, operation and maintenance of the instrument and its components.
  4. Incorrect performance checks for operation and maintenance of the instrument and its components.
  5. Damage resulting from the effects of foreign bodies, accidents, vandalism and force majeure.
  6. If the instructions given in troubleshooting cannot help to solve your problem, plug out the power cable and call UTEST technical service.

The instrument is only to be used for its designated purpose as describe herein. Replace faulty components only with original replacement parts from UTEST. Accessories should only be installed or connected to the instrument if they are expressly authorized by UTEST. If other accessories are installed or connected to the instrument, then UTEST will accept no liability and the product guarantee is forfeit.

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This part contains important safety instructions that the user must follow for operation and storage of UTC-1040.

This part contains important safety instructions that the user must follow for operation and storage of UTEST UTC-1040.

  1. Device should be seated on a steady base.
  2. Always follow basic safety precautions when using this product to reduce risk of injury from any dangerous situations.
  3. Read and understand all instructions in the documentation that comes with UTC-1040.
  4. Make sure the water restraint panel is in place and not damaged before starting to the test.
  5. Observe all warnings and instructions marked on the product.
  6. Before removing any covers or performing maintenance repair and service, isolate from electrical supply by removing mains plug.
  7. Wear protective clothing when handling equipment at extreme temperature.
  8. After the test, clean the grinding wheel, cradles and water restraint panel thoroughly with a water, brush and cloth and make sure that no parts remain.
  9. Avoid contact with these materials if any organic or inorganic chemicals are used in the test to be performed with the equipment.

  1. Wear safety glasses, gloves and a lab coat before starting the test.
  2. If the instructions given in troubleshooting cannot help to solve your problem, plug out the power cable and call UTEST technical service.
  3. Do not lean the cabinet to the wall at zero distance.
  4. While the test is in operation do not remove any covers or attempt to adjust any part of the machine.

WARNING: The equipment is not allowed to be operated by children or anyone under the influence of alcohol, drugs or pharmaceutical

preparations. Anyone who is not familiar with this manual must be supervised when using the equipment. Carry out the stipulated maintenance properly and at the correct time. Following completion of the maintenance tasks, perform functional check. Safety features of the machine is following:

  1. Water Restraint Panel
  2. Emergency stop button

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The electronic parts and mechanic parts of UTC-1040 are sensitive components. Please handle them carefully.

  1. Do not place any heavy objects on the device.
  2. Avoid any impact or rough handling that might damage the device.
  3. Do not disassemble UTC-1040.
  4. Install the product in a protected location where no one can step on or trip over the power cord and in a location where the power cord cannot be damage.

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The UTC-1040 Automatic Grinding Machine provides fast grinding of cylinder specimen ends to obtain plane and parallel surfaces according to EN and ASTM standards.

Three units of Ø38 to 100 mm or two units of Ø150-160 mm concrete cylinders ends and three units of 100 mm or one unit of 150 mm concrete cubes faces can be ground simultaneously with the suitable cradle and water restraint panel. The lenght of the any specimen must be longer than 70 mm.

The machine supplied complete with a grinding wheel for concrete specimens, the cradle for Ø38 to Ø100 mm cylindrical specimens, cradle for Ø150 to Ø160 mm cylindrical specimens (connected to the machine) and water restraint panel set which consist of panels for Ø150 mm, Ø100 mm and Ø50 mm specimens. The water restraint panels for cubic specimens or different sized cylindrical specimens, the cradles for cube specimens should be ordered separately.

According to ASTM and EN standards, the planeness accuracy of grinded surfaces of concrete compression test specimens should be 0.05 mm and also the deviation of perpendicularity of the side with reference to the end faces should be 0.5O.

The safe and ergonomic design provides easy access to the water inlet and outlet. Specimen cradles and water restraint panels can easily be installed without the need for any assembly.

Mobility of the machine is achieved with the help of the integral wheels, and all components of the system can be safely accessed for easy maintenance.

The frame is manufactured from aluminum to obtain a lighter weight and the stainless steel exterior shell assures resistance to corrosion.

In Table 1 dimensions and weight of the device can be seen. Table 1: Dimensions and Weight of UTC-1040

Dimensions and Weight of UTC-1040

Width (cm)

Length (cm)

Height (cm)

Weight (approx.) (kg)





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UTEST UTC-1040 Automatic Grinding Machine consists of fixing clamp, grinding wheel, cradle, distance adjustment wheel, mains switch, water discharge pipe, and water inlet valve. Locations of these units can be found in the following section.

Figure 1: Parts of the UTC-1040

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There are 3 optical sensors in the cabin adjusts the initial position of the cradle and grinding wheel (Figure 2). One sensor alone is located to the grinding wheel side and the other two sensors are located outer edge of the device.

Figure 2: Optical Sensors

There are small lights on them for stating that they are in operation. The ones on both edges get rarely activated as the sample plate normally run in the border range. They are used for additional safety purpose. The light of the middle sensor should be lit when the device is ready for the test after sample placement (Figure 3). The bolt and the related middle sensor tips should be aligned before starting a test.

Figure 3: Middle Sensor

There is another sensor in the cabin beside reset position optical sensor. The sensor seen at Figure 3 is for water restraint panel installation control. The device will not start conducting a test if the mentioned panel is not placed in its place.

Figure 4: Water Restraint Panel Sensor

Also there is an another sensor to adjust the vertical position of the grinding wheel (see Figure 5). If the grinding wheel is not in vertical position this sensor activates the grinding wheel motor and motor align the grinding wheel in vertical position.

Figure 5: Optical Sensor for Grinding Head Position

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The control panel of the device consists of timer unit, run-alarm lights and start-stop-reset-emergency stop buttons.

Timer: The timer controls the duration of the full cycle. The grinding time is determined for each sample according to material hardness and cylinder diameter. The timer is set in seconds only.

For example, 120 seconds= 2 minutes. The device is set to 100 secs from factory. The ± buttons located above and below the numbers determine the units, tens, hundreds and thousands of seconds, up to a maximum of 9,999.

Green Run Light: It is connected with start button. It blinks during reset process.

Red Alarm Light: It comes on when panel cover sensor is faulty or panel cover is not placed, invertor failure, motor failure and when emergency stop button is pressed.

Start  Stop Buttons: They are used to start and stop the test.

Reset Button: It is used to reset the device. The reset button is used after one of the alarm situations occur on device. It does not need to be pressed during regular test intervals, as the device automatically moves back its current test start initial position after the last test ends.

Emergency Stop Button: It is used to stop the whole device in case of emergency.

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Make sure that the room in which the device is going to be placed have a proper main supply which is in compliance with the machines specifications. Check the voltage (V), ampere (A), frequency (Hz), and the phase of the mains supply in Table 2.

Table 2: UTC-1040 Electrical Connection Properties

UTC-1040 Electrical Connection Properties






220 - 240 V

16 A

50 - 60 Hz


2500 W

Main electricity line must be free from instabilities and repetitive power cuts for both the extended life of the device and the continuity of testing. Therefore, make sure that the mains supply is well grounded. If the power cuts are frequent or the grounding is not well enough, the use of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is recommended.

Make sure that the device is placed in a clean and dry surrounding. Direct contact of the device with the sunlight should be avoided. A conditioned room for example, will comply the above conditions and will result in best operational performance and measurement results. Device should be well accessible from the front and the sides for connections, testing and maintenance.

In order to prevent inaccurate test results, the ground should be rigid enough to minimize vibrations or shocks. If there are any other testing equipment or a source that creates vibrations on the floor, UTC-1040 should be placed maximum possible distance to that source. Surface of the ground

should be horizontal and smooth enough so that the horizontal and vertical alignment of the device are not shifted.

NOTE: If remote assistance will be required from the UTEST Technical Service Department, the room should have an internet access.

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Open the wooden crate without damaging the contents and remove all packaging materials. Check for completeness and damages if exist. Report any irregularities directly to the supplier. Take necessary precautions and carefully transport and place the device to its place. Since mobility of the machine is achieved with the help of the integral wheels to transport to device to the desired location only pushing the device will be enough. Do not forget to lock the wheels pushing the locks (see Figure 6).

Figure 6: Lock of the Integral Wheel

Place the device somewhere near the electricity and main water supplies. After placing the device, connect the mains water to the water inlet on the right side of the device with the help of a hose because the grinding wheel is done with water to prevent excessive wear of grinding wheel and excessive dust formation (Figure 11).

The device should be installed close to a drain in order for the wastewater to flow without accumulation. If there is no such possibility, wastewater can be deposited into a trough.

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  1. Read the requirements of the standard to be applied before starting the test and prepare all the materials needed to perform the test.
  2. There are two types of water restrained panels. The first is for 2 units and the other is for 3 units. Please choose the appropriate water restraint panel according to the number of samples. There are two screws positioned on the front panel of the device. Remove these screws. Then place the water restraint panel in the ducts again on the front panel of the device and fix the water restraint panels by inserting the screws you removed back into their places (see Figure 7).

Figure 7: Water Restraint Panel

NOTE: Water Restraint Panel has to be installed before starting to the test since water restraint panel activates the security switch. If switch does not activate, device will not operate.

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Figure 8: Security Switch

  1. Select the appropriate cradle to grind the samples and place it (see Figure 9 and Figure 10).
  2. Place the samples on the cradle. When doing this, make sure that there is a distance between the samples and the grinding wheel, the samples should not contact with the grinding wheel.

NOTE: If the diameter of the sample is between 38 mm and 100 mm, a 4-channel cradle should be used to grind these samples. If the diameter of the samples to be grinded is more

than 100 mm, a 2-channel cradle should be used.

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Figure 9: Selection of the Cradle (4 Channel Cradle)

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Figure 10: Selection of the Cradle (2 Channel Cradle)

  1. By turning fixing clamp clockwise direction secure the specimens. Be sure that specimens firmly fixed to its positions.

  1. Plug the power cord. Then turn on the power switch by pressing the on / off switch located at the right side of the device.
  2. Set the run time of the grinding operation from the timer. To do this press the Left arrow key to switch the digits. Set each digit by using Up key. Then press MODE key. To reset the arranged time press RESET button on the timer.

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Figure 11: Timer

  1. Press RESET button in order to bring the device at start position. During regular test periods, the reset button does not need to be used. The device automatically adjusts itself for performing its next test.

  1. Open the water inlet valve and press “START” button (see Figure 12). When the “START” button is pressed, the green light will light on the RUN button. This indicates that the device is working.

WARNING: Never attempt to run the device without supplying water. Otherwise, the warranty procedure will not applicable for

some related damage.

NOTE: The device should be installed close to a drain in order for the wastewater to flow without accumulation. If there is no such

possibility, wastewater can be deposited into a trough.

  1. As soon as the grinding process is completed, the sample stays at its forward position and the grinding wheel cleans the edge surface of the sample for 35-40 sec. Then the sample tray moves back to its initial position, i.e. until the before mentioned middle sensor. In the meantime, the grinding wheel assembly moves its initial position in conjunction with the optical sensor in the cabinet.
  2. Take the water restraint panel, rinse the front side of the device with pressurized water thanks to water gun located at the right side of the device and if possible should be dried by using a compressor.

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Figure 12: Water Gun

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WARNING: It is important to care that the unit must be switched off and the main cable must be removed before starting any

maintenance for user’s safety.

All safety devices must be functional at all times. Damaged protective covers must be replaced as soon as possible. When safety components are replaced, the protective devices are to be properly attached and tested.

We recommend that the device is cleaned of any particles and dust from the scattered specimen after the test with a damp cloth and brush to avoid incrustations which could damage the paint work.

As with all electrical equipment, machine must be used correctly and maintenance and examination must be performed at regular periods. Such precautions will guarantee the safe and sufficient functioning of the equipment.

Maintenance to the equipment is responsibility of the purchaser and must be performed as stated by this chapter. Failing to perform the recommended maintenance actions or maintenance performed by unauthorized people can void the warranty.

The rail section of the sample table should be lubricated every month. Please apply little amount of oil or light grease by using a small brush from outside to both side rails see Figure 13.

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Figure 13: Location of the Rail

After the end of every test day, the fore section of the machine (by taking out water restrained panel) should be rinsed with pressurized water thoroughly and if possible should be dried by using a compressor.
Every 3 months, the motor bearings and swing mechanism arm should be greased via grease nipples (see Figure 14 and Figure 15).

Figure 14: Motor Bearings Greasing Nipples

Figure 15: Swing Mechanism

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Address: ASO 1. Organized Industrial Site

Ural Street No: 18 Sincan /Ankara /TURKEY

Phone: +90 312 394 38 75 (pbx)

Fax: +90 312 394 38 77



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