1: From the main page of the GSR application, select settings (three lines at the top left). If your controller is already connected to the D-RTK 2 in handheld mode skip to step 8
2: Select device management and select “D-RTK 2 handheld Stick” mode.
3: Select “Linking
4: Select “Handheld Stick + Walk with Network RTK”. The RC will need to remain connected to the Internet.
5: Follow the onscreen instructions for turning on the D-RTK 2.
6: Follow the onscreen instructions to change to handheld stick mode.
7: Follow the onscreen instructions for linking the D-RTK 2 to the remote controller.
(Press the linking button on D-RTK 2. Once linking is complete the device will restart.)
8: Enter your NTRIP host, port, user, password, and mount point information.
When setting the mount point check with your service provider to determine the closest Virtual Reference Station (VRS) relative to your location. As an example, the mount point may be in the following format.
VRS_correction format; example: XXX_RTCM3
9: In the main page of the GSR application, select “Fly” and check the RTK status by selecting “RTK” located at the top of the user interface.
Make sure RTK is well connected. The “Position” status has three options:
10: Scroll down to the RTK diagnosis and confirm the GSR application is connected to the custom network RTK.
11: To get the coordinates:
1) Within the GSR App mission planning section select “Walk with handheld RTK”
12: Check the task list to view all available tasks or to confirm your task has been saved.
13: From the main page, export the data from the SD card icon and open the drop down menu.
14: From the drop down menu select "Export Handheld DRTK Point Task".
15: Select the dataset to export.
16: The data will be available in the following folder /DJI/ EXPORT/RTK_SCOUT/ directory.
18: Turn on USB Storage, the device will appear on your computer. Open the following directory to download the files: /DJI/EXPORT/RTK_SCOUT/
19: The data files will be stored in text format. Follow the steps in the instructions to convert data from text to a CSV file.
Go to the following website:
https://json-csv.com/ or http://www.convertcsv.com/json-to-csv.htm
The data set above includes: Index:PTS No.
Altitude (Unit: meter) Antenna Height (Unit: meter) Latitude (Unit: Degree) Longitude (Unit: Degree) StdAlt (Unit: cm)
StdLat (Unit: cm) StdLon (Unit: cm)